I Enjoy Sex With My Neighbor, But He Has a Girlfriend

Good day,

Please help me post and hide my identity. I need your follower’s advice as I’m currently in a state of confusion.

I have been having sex with my next-door neighbor. The guy has a girlfriend, and I’m fully aware of that.

But whenever the girl is around, I don’t visit and would behave very formally around him. However, when she leaves, I spend most of my time with him. I really enjoy the way he makes love to me.

Most times, I helped him cook, sweep, wash clothes, etc. We are basically living like couples. But we are not dating.

He gives me a lot of money even if I didn’t ask. And he bought me the phone I’m currently using. My neighbor shows me so much care, attention, and doesn’t want me to get angry for any reason.

Of course, I have my own boyfriend but we have been having issues for some time now.

My challenge now is that I don’t know how to ask my neighbor what he really wants from me. Although he hasn’t told me he loved me yet, but his attitudes show he cares so much about me.

To be honest, I’m confused right now because I think I’m in love with him. And I observed that his girlfriend hasn’t visited him for a while.

He didn’t tell me anything about her girlfriend though. That is because we don’t discuss our partners.

I’m afraid of telling him how I feel about him because I don’t want him to leave me.

Please I need your advice.

What should I do?



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A Love Doctor Who Passionately Shares Love And Finance Tips